Video App Development Agreement

  1. Video App Development Agreement
Video App Development Agreement Sample - terms, conditions and example features used to design, develop and distribute customized video applications for smart TVs, digital media adapters, smartphones and other connected media devices.

This sample Video App Development Agreement outlines the purpose, scope, and terms for developing a custom video application for use on smart TVs, digital media adapters, smartphones, and other connected devices. It details the responsibilities of the software development company and the OTT/streaming TV service provider, including project deliverables, milestones, and acceptance criteria. The agreement also covers payment terms, intellectual property rights, confidentiality obligations, warranties, maintenance and support, as well as terms for dispute resolution, termination, and other miscellaneous provisions. It ensures clear communication and expectations between both parties, with signatures required from authorized representatives to formalize the agreement.

Video App Development Agreement Outline

Video App Development Agreement



Overview of the agreement’s intent to develop a custom video app.

Parties Involved

Names and contact information of the OTT/streaming TV service provider and the software development company.


Key terms used throughout the agreement (e.g., “App,” “Deliverables,” “Milestones,” etc.).

Scope of Work

Project Description

Detailed description of the video app to be developed.

Features and Functionalities

Core Features

  • Video streaming capabilities
  • User authentication and profiles
  • Search and discovery

Platform Compatibility

  • Smart TVs
  • Digital media adapters (e.g., Roku, Amazon Fire TV)
  • Smartphones (iOS and Android)
  • Other connected media devices

Additional Features

  • Updating capabilities
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Distribution capabilities

Project Deliverables

Detailed List of Deliverables

Specific items to be delivered, including source code, documentation, etc.

Milestones and Timeline

Project phases and associated deadlines.

Acceptance Criteria

Conditions that must be met for deliverables to be accepted.

Responsibilities of the Parties

Responsibilities of the Developer

Development, testing, and deployment of the app. Regular progress updates and reports.

Responsibilities of the Client

Providing necessary resources, information, and access. Timely feedback and approvals.

Payment Terms


Total cost and payment schedule.

Payment Milestones

Payments tied to project milestones.

Additional Costs

Reimbursement for any additional expenses.

Intellectual Property Rights


Transfer of ownership of the app and related materials to the client.


Any licensing terms if applicable.


Non-Disclosure Obligations

Agreement to keep proprietary information confidential.


Situations where confidentiality does not apply.

Warranties and Representations

Developer Warranties

Assurance of work quality and compliance with specifications.

Client Warranties

Assurance of providing accurate and complete information.

Maintenance and Support

Post-Development Support

Details of maintenance and support services post-launch.

Update and Upgrade Terms

Conditions and terms for app updates and upgrades.

Term and Termination


Effective date and duration of the agreement.

Termination Conditions

Conditions under which the agreement can be terminated by either party.

Dispute Resolution

Negotiation and Mediation

Steps for resolving disputes amicably.


Binding arbitration terms if necessary.


Governing Law

Jurisdiction and applicable laws.

Entire Agreement

Statement that this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties.


Conditions under which the agreement can be amended.


Contact information and procedures for giving notice under the agreement.

Force Majeure

Clause excusing non-performance due to circumstances beyond control.


Clause stating that if one part of the agreement is invalid, the rest remains in effect.


Authorized Signatures

Signature lines for authorized representatives of both parties.

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