OTT Business Story

  1. OTT Business Story

Our OTT Business platform started from listening to an audio book about creating a Billion Dollar mobile app. It was written by a guy who helped to create one and he described the steps and experiences and changes he went through. He explained that 50 of the 1800 billionaires in the world came from mobile app companies. What amazed me was that he was a normal guy who found and worked with other people the steps and examples he provided almost anyone can do.

There are many parts to a Streaming TV (OTT) business and many of these parts are rapidly changing. To make successful OTT services, equipment, or content, you need to discover new options, learn how to do them, and get or create lots of documents and templates. To solve this challenge, we setup OTT Business platform to gather and share new TV & media business opportunities, procedures, and templates.

OTT Business Magazine covers key emerging television applications. OTT Business research shares key business benchmarks and trends. OTT Business Podcast interviews leaders and experts who share their success stories and provide application tips. If you are involved in the OTT Streaming TV industry, OTT Business can be a great help for you.
