OTT Subscriber Buyer Journey Interview Guide

  1. OTT Subscriber Buyer Journey Interview Guide
OTT Subscriber Buyer Journey Interview Guide - Finding, Inviting, Content Types, Key Features, Important Services, Trusted Media Channels and Buying Motivators

This guide provides OTT system operators with a process and sample media and messages for conducting effective interviews with potential subscribers of a streaming TV service. It details how to gather valuable insights into the key types of content, features, and services that subscribers desire. The process starts with qualification, learning the person’s streaming TV understanding and biases, identifies their trusted media channels (where you can promote) and finishes with review and rating of their key interests and pain points. The top 3 interests and needs for all the interviews identifies your dominant buying motivators – DBMs which can be used in most marketing materials and sales scripts to increase your promotion and sales success. 

OTT Subscriber Buyer Journey Interview Guide

Subscriber Buyer Journey Interviews

Buyer Journey Interview Objectives

  • Buyer Qualifications
  • Subscribers’ Preferences
  • Interests
  • Pain Points
  • Buying Motivators

Target Audience

  • Subscriber Profiles
  • Inviting
  • Interviewing


  • Qualification
  • Scheduling


  • Questionnaire
  • Interview Techniques
  • Knowledge and Biases
  • Trusted Media Channels
  • Motivators and Priorities
  • Data Gathering

Data Analysis

  • Compiling Interview Data
  • Dominant Buying Motivators (DBMs)
  • Keywords and Phrases
  • Pain Points
  • Content Preferences
  • Product and Service Recommendations


  • Sample Questionnaire
  • Invite Scripts

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