OTT Advertising Agreement Sample

  1. ad rate sheet
  2. OTT Advertising Agreement Sample
OTT Advertising Agreement Sample - advertiser ads, target audiences, ad media, insertion rates & costs, inventory management and reporting.

This sample OTT advertising agreement contains the terms and conditions under which advertisements are delivered and managed on the provider’s platform.

OTT and Streaming TV Advertising Agreement Sample

OTT and Streaming TV Advertising Agreement

This Advertising Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [OTT and Streaming TV Service Provider] (“Provider”) and [Advertiser] (“Advertiser”). This Agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which advertisements are delivered and managed on the Provider’s platform.

1. Ad Inventory Management

1.1 Ad Types:

  • Video Ads: Inserted into streaming media content.
  • Display Ads: Placed on the website and media channels owned or managed by the Provider.
  • Other Media Ads: Includes banner ads, pop-ups, and interstitials.

1.2 Ad Frequency:

Defines the number of ads shown per hour of content, per user session, or per page view.

2. Revenue Sharing

2.1 Revenue Model:

[Percentage]% of the ad revenue will be allocated to the Advertiser, and [Percentage]% will be retained by the Provider.

2.2 Payment Terms:

Payments will be made [Monthly/Quarterly] within [Number] days of the end of the period.

3. Ad Delivery and Placement

3.1 Ad Delivery:

Ads will be delivered using [Ad Insertion Technology/Platform].

3.2 Ad Placement:

Ads will be placed [Before/During/After] the content as per the targeting criteria defined by the Advertiser.

4. Content Standards and Compliance

4.1 Ad Content:

All ads must comply with legal, ethical, and platform-specific standards. The Provider reserves the right to reject any ad content deemed inappropriate.

5. Performance Metrics and Reporting

5.1 KPIs:

The following key performance indicators will be used to measure ad campaign success: Impressions, Clicks, View-through Rates, Conversions.

5.2 Reporting:

The Provider will provide detailed reports on ad performance [Weekly/Monthly].

6. Technical Requirements

6.1 Compatibility:

All ads must meet the technical specifications outlined in [Technical Document/Appendix A].

7. User Data and Privacy

7.1 Data Use:

User data will be used in compliance with [Privacy Regulations/Platform’s Privacy Policy].

7.2 Data Protection:

The Provider will ensure the protection of user data and adhere to all relevant privacy laws.

8. Duration and Termination

8.1 Agreement Term:

This Agreement will commence on [Start Date] and continue until [End Date].

8.2 Termination:

Either party may terminate this Agreement with [Number] days’ written notice. Termination can occur immediately for breach of terms.

9. Dispute Resolution

9.1 Dispute Mechanism:

Any disputes arising under this Agreement will be resolved through [Arbitration/Mediation/Court Jurisdiction].

10. Exclusivity and Competition

10.1 Exclusivity:

The Provider will not display competing ads from rival advertisers during the term of this Agreement.

11. Ad Rate Sheet

Ad Type Description Rate (CPM/CPC) Frequency Targeting Options
Video Ads Inserted into streaming content $[Rate] [Frequency] [Demographics, Interests]
Display Ads Banner ads on the Provider’s website $[Rate] [Frequency] [Geolocation, Device]
Other Media Ads Pop-ups, interstitials, and other media ads $[Rate] [Frequency] [Behavioral, Contextual]

12. Additional Provisions

12.1 Confidentiality:

Both parties agree to keep all terms of this Agreement confidential.

12.2 Amendments:

This Agreement may only be amended in writing and signed by both parties.

12.3 Entire Agreement:

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements or understandings.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Advertising Agreement as of the day and year first above written.


[OTT and Streaming TV Service Provider]

By: ___________________________

Name: _________________________

Title: __________________________



By: ___________________________

Name: _________________________

Title: __________________________

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