OTT and TV Research Companies

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  2. OTT and TV Research Companies

OTT Directory - Companies, Services and ToolsOTT and TV research companies gather, analyze and provide industry research intelligence, reports and competitive industry insights. They produce comprehensive, up-to-date industry reports covering key metrics, trends, market size, and forecasts, and conduct tailored research projects including competitive analysis, market entry strategies, and customer insights. Utilizing advanced tools and technologies for data collection and analysis, they ensure data accuracy and reliability. Their services include detailed market segmentation, consumer insights, and understanding of relevant regulations and compliance issues. The company offers strategic recommendations, global perspectives, and thorough competitive analysis, identifying key players, market positioning, strengths, weaknesses, and strategic insights. They are known for their timeliness, responsiveness, customization, flexibility, transparent pricing, and value. Confidentiality and data security are paramount, and they maintain strong client relationships through ongoing support and collaboration.

OTT and TV Research Companies

ABI Research – ABI Research provides actionable research and strategic guidance on transformative technologies.
Allied Market Research – Allied Market Research provides global market research reports and industry analysis.
Digital TV Research – Digital TV Research specializes in cutting-edge research on the global television and video industry.
eMarketer Research – eMarketer Research offers insights and trends in digital marketing, media, and commerce.
Frost & Sullivan – Frost & Sullivan provides growth consulting and corporate training services across multiple industries.
Future Market Insights – Future Market Insights offers syndicated and customized research reports, market analysis, and consulting services.
GigaOM – GigaOM provides research and analysis on emerging technologies and their impacts on business.
Grandview Research – Grandview Research offers comprehensive market research and consulting services across industries.
Horowitz Research – Horowitz Research is a full-service market research firm specializing in media, content, and technology.
Hub Research – Hub Research provides in-depth analysis of the media and entertainment industries.
IHS Markit – IHS Markit delivers critical information, analytics, and solutions for various industries.
International Data Corporation (IDC) – IDC offers market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the IT and consumer technology markets.
Juniper Research – Juniper Research provides research and analytical services to the global hi-tech communications sector.
Leichtman Research Group – Leichtman Research Group specializes in research and analysis of the broadband, media, and entertainment industries.
Markets and Markets – Markets and Markets provides quantified B2B research on high-growth emerging opportunities and threats.
Nielsen – Nielsen offers comprehensive measurement and data analytics on what consumers watch and buy globally.
Parks Associates – Parks Associates provides market research and consulting services focused on emerging consumer technology products and services.
Research and MarketsResearch and Markets provides comprehensive market research reports and analysis that help OTT and Streaming TV industry professionals understand trends in fan engagement, audience behavior, and monetization strategies.
SCRI International – SCRI International specializes in market research for the broadcast, digital media, and professional video industry.
Strategy Analytics – Strategy Analytics provides research and consulting services focused on market dynamics within the technology sector.
The Diffusion Group (TDG Research) – TDG Research provides analysis and advisory services on the future of TV and video.

OTT and TV Research Key Capabilities

Subject Matter Expertise

Ensure the company has in-depth knowledge and experience in the OTT and streaming TV sector, including understanding market trends, technologies, and consumer behavior. This expertise is crucial because it allows the research company to provide relevant and accurate insights tailored to the specific needs and challenges of the OTT and streaming TV industry.

Comprehensive Industry Reports

Look for companies that produce detailed, up-to-date industry reports covering key metrics, trends, market size, and forecasts. These reports are important as they provide a broad overview of the industry landscape, helping businesses to make informed decisions based on the latest data and trends.

Custom Research and Analysis

The ability to conduct tailored research projects based on specific business needs, including competitive analysis, market entry strategies, and customer insights. Custom research is vital as it addresses the unique challenges and opportunities faced by a business, providing targeted insights that can drive strategic decisions.

Competitive Analysis

Capability to perform thorough competitive analysis, identifying key players, market positioning, strengths and weaknesses, and strategic insights. This is essential for understanding the competitive landscape, enabling businesses to identify opportunities for differentiation and to anticipate market moves by competitors.

Data Accuracy and Reliability

Ensure the company uses reliable data sources and methodologies to provide accurate and trustworthy insights. Accurate and reliable data is the foundation of sound business decisions, as it ensures that the insights and recommendations are based on factual and precise information.

Market Segmentation

Ability to provide detailed segmentation of the OTT and streaming TV market, including demographic, geographic, and psychographic factors. Effective market segmentation allows businesses to identify and target specific audience segments, optimizing marketing strategies and improving customer engagement.

Consumer Insights

Expertise in gathering and analyzing consumer behavior data, including viewing habits, preferences, and trends. Understanding consumer behavior is critical for developing content and services that meet the needs and preferences of the target audience, thereby enhancing user satisfaction and loyalty.

Regulatory and Compliance Knowledge

Understanding of relevant regulations, compliance issues, and industry standards that affect the OTT and streaming TV industry. Knowledge of regulatory and compliance issues is important to ensure that business operations adhere to legal standards, avoiding potential legal pitfalls and ensuring smooth market entry and operation.

Strategic Recommendations

Ability to provide actionable strategic recommendations based on research findings to help guide business decisions. Strategic recommendations are crucial as they translate research insights into practical actions, helping businesses to navigate the market effectively and achieve their strategic goals.

Client References and Case Studies

Availability of client references and case studies demonstrating successful research projects and positive outcomes. These references and case studies are important as they provide evidence of the research company’s capabilities and success in delivering valuable insights and outcomes for other clients.

Customization and Flexibility

Willingness and ability to customize research approaches and reports to meet specific client requirements. Customization and flexibility are essential to ensure that the research outputs are directly relevant and useful to the client’s specific context and needs.

Confidentiality and Data Security

Strong measures in place to ensure confidentiality and security of client data and proprietary information. Ensuring confidentiality and data security is critical to protect sensitive business information and maintain trust between the research company and its clients.

Partnership and Collaboration

Willingness to work closely with clients as a partner, providing ongoing support and collaboration. A collaborative approach is important as it fosters a deeper understanding of the client’s needs and challenges, leading to more effective and impactful research outcomes.

OTT and TV Research Glossary

  • Ad Insertion – The process of placing ads into video content.
  • Ad Inventory – The amount of ad space available on a website or streaming platform.
  • Advertising-based Video on Demand (AVOD) – Free video content supported by advertisements.
  • Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) – A measure of the revenue generated per user or unit.
  • Big Data Analytics – The process of examining large and varied data sets to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations, and other useful information.
  • Churn Rate – The percentage of subscribers who discontinue their service over a specific period.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR) – The ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view a page, email, or advertisement.
  • Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) – The year-over-year growth rate of an investment over a specified period.
  • Competitive Analysis – The process of identifying and evaluating competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.
  • Content Distribution – The process of delivering video content to end-users through various platforms.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC) – The price paid by advertisers for each click on their ads.
  • Cost Per Install (CPI) – The cost incurred by an advertiser when a user installs an app.
  • Cost Per Mille (CPM) – The cost of 1,000 advertisement impressions on a webpage.
  • Daily Active Users (DAU) – The number of unique users engaging with a service on a daily basis.
  • Data Monetization – The process of using data to generate revenue.
  • Multichannel Video Programming Distributor (MVPD) – Service providers that deliver multiple TV channels.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) – A metric used to gauge the loyalty of a firm’s customer relationships.
  • Over-the-Top (OTT) – Content delivered via the internet without traditional cable or satellite TV.
  • OTT Platforms – Services that provide video content via the internet, bypassing traditional broadcast or cable TV providers.
  • Programmatic Advertising – The use of automated systems and data to purchase ad space.
  • Quality of Experience (QoE) – A measure of customer satisfaction with a service or product.
  • Quality of Service (QoS) – The overall performance of a service, such as video streaming, as experienced by the user.
  • Streaming Analytics – The analysis of real-time data to make decisions or provide insights.
  • Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD) – Services that provide unlimited access to video content for a monthly fee.
  • Transactional Video on Demand (TVOD) – Pay-per-view or one-time purchase for specific video content.
  • User Retention – The ability of a company to retain its customers over a specified period.
  • Viewer Engagement – The extent to which viewers interact with video content, such as through likes, shares, and comments.
  • Virtual Multichannel Video Programming Distributor (vMVPD) – Online services offering live and on-demand streaming of multiple channels.
  • Monthly Active Users (MAU) – The number of unique users engaging with a service within a month.
  • Market Segmentation – The process of dividing a broad consumer or business market into sub-groups based on shared characteristics.