OTT and Streaming TV Directory - Companies, Services and Tools

Rohde & Schwarz specializes in providing state-of-the-art test and measurement equipment, as well as comprehensive media systems solutions, to the OTT and streaming TV media industry. Their advanced tools and technologies enable media companies to ensure the quality, reliability, and compliance of their content across various streaming platforms. Rohde & Schwarz’s solutions are designed to support every stage of the media production and distribution process, from content creation and encoding to transmission and playback, ensuring seamless delivery and exceptional viewer experiences. Their expertise in media systems also extends to monitoring, analysis, and optimization, helping OTT and streaming TV providers maintain high standards and meet the ever-evolving demands of the digital media landscape.

Directory Categories

IP Video Monitoring – IP Video Monitoring services and displays provide real-time surveillance and analysis of video streams to ensure consistent delivery quality, detect issues, and maintain the reliability of OTT and Streaming TV systems.

Playout Management Systems – Playout management systems enable the scheduling, automation, and real-time control of video content delivery, ensuring seamless streaming across various devices and platforms.

OTT Test Equipment Manufacturers – Companies that make test equipment that is used for OTT and streaming TV systems, platforms and devices.

Contact Information

Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Muehldorfstrasse 15
81671 Munich, Germany

Phone: +49.89.4129.12345

